Becoming Selene : What Should I Write About?
If you haven’t read the post launching Becoming Selene, please check that out first.
If you’ve read that post and aren’t sure you have any stories to share, here’s a list of prompts or ideas that may get the juices flowing. Remember, these stories do not need to be long! It’s better if they aren’t. (But it’s also okay if they are.)
Prompts / Story Ideas:
How did it feel the first time your child rejected you or made fun of you in front of her friends? Your friends?
Did you journey through perimenopause as your daughter began menstruating? How did that make you feel?
Do you ever feel invisible?
How do you balance your need for rest and sleep with your child’s social life? What works for your family with regard to curfews?
What do you wish you had discussed with your child before he went to college?
Do you choose your battles over clothing, let your child have free rein or restrict clothing choices?
How do you draw the lines around what your teens pay for and what you still pay for? Has that changed much with subsequent children or as your kids have aged?
What does it feel like to see the cut of a man’s jaw instead of a squishy face when you look at your son?
Has one of your children’s relationships broken your heart? Would you have done anything differently knowing what you know now?
How much leeway did you give your child when applying to college? Did you hover? Read and edit everything? Or were you hands-off?
How has your marriage or co-parenting relationship changed as your children have gone through adolescence?
What difficult aspect of parenting teens has surprised you? Is there anything you expected to be more of a challenge than it has ended up being?
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